Welcome to the Swedish eHealth Agency
The Swedish eHealth Agency is a government agency that works to digitalise and improve the sharing of information between patients, the healthcare system and pharmacies in Sweden.
We offer a number of e-health services and digital solutions for individuals as well as staff working in healthcare and social services. The e-prescription service and the Covid certificates service are the most well-known.
What does the Swedish eHealth Agency do?
The Swedish eHealth Agency has many responsibilities. Here are some examples:
- We carry out the government's e-health initiatives.
- We store digital prescriptions from doctors and forward them to pharmacies.
- We offer a Medicine Check service that allows you to log in and view information about your prescriptions. You can also see when you will be eligible for the high-cost protection card. When you receive this card, you no longer have to pay for medicines for a set period of time.
- We collect information about the quantities of and which medicines have been sold in Sweden.
- We offer the Electronic Expert Support service to help pharmacies check whether your prescription medicines work together.
Our mission
The Swedish eHealth Agency coordinates the government's e-health initiatives and monitors developments in the e-health field, both nationally and internationally. We are also responsible for registers and IT services used by individuals, healthcare providers and pharmacies.
What is e-health?
E-health involves the use of digital tools to share health information. Staff in pharmacies and healthcare use digital tools every day. Individuals also benefit from e-health, for example when booking doctor's appointments, using an app to access health data, or collecting e-prescriptions sent digitally to a pharmacy.
Contact us
Do you have questions about the Swedish eHealth Agency?
You can contact us on +46 (0)10-458 62 00.
Ask to speak to the registrar.
You can also send an email to registrator@ehalsomyndigheten.se.
If you would like to send us regular mail, please use this address:
Swedish eHealth Agency
Box 913
392 31 Kalmar
As a government agency, we are subject to the principle of open access to information.
This means that any documents you send to us may become public.
For example, if you write a letter to us, others may request to read it.
Facts about the Swedish eHealth Agency:
- Our Director General is Gunilla Nordlöf.
- We are based in Kalmar and have an office in Stockholm.
- As a government agency, we are subject to the principle of open access to information, which means that any documents you send us may become public.
Declaration of Interest
Here you can learn how the form Declaration of Interest should be filled out. You can also read about the various types of conflicts of interest and how the national agencies view these issues. The primary purpose is to inform external experts who are, or could be, engaged by the agencies.
Interested in your data?
You can get the personal data we process by using digital e-services, sending an application form or visiting your local pharmacy.
Register extracts
If you have e-ID, you can access your data stored in the High-Cost Database, the Pharmaceutical Register and the Prescription Repository at:
- E-tjänsten Läkemedelskollen (Medicine Check E-service);
- County council website 1177 Vårdguiden (1177 Healthcare Guide); or
- Contact your local pharmacy.
You can also:
- order register extracts direct from us. You’ll find forms here.
Complete and sign the relevant form and send it to the Swedish eHealth Agency, Customer Services, Box 913, 391 29 Kalmar. (Requests cannot be made by email). Register extracts containing information about the data we process about you can be supplied free of charge once per calendar year following a written request.
Personal data and public documents
The processing of personal data in our registers is governed by the Swedish Personal Data Act, the Prescription Registration Act and the Pharmaceutical Register Act. Amongst other things, these laws govern the type of personal data that may be processed and for what purpose, as well as who is entitled to access the data and for what purpose.
The eHealth Agency is the controller of personal data for the purposes of any processing of your personal data carried out by the Agency. All Agency employees are subject to a duty of confidentiality. Only authorised persons at the Agency and at the pharmacy may have access to your data, and only if required for work purposes.
Access to official documents
If you wish to access official documents, please get in touch with our registrar.